Friday, July 17, 2009

1001 Sweet Indian flatbreads

Unleavened flatbreads are a staple of  north Indian cuisine. Sweet flatbreads are not very common, but taste delicious. These breads can be thick or thin, small or large, stuffed or plain. They are eaten with a variety of dals or curries and serve as edible cutlery -  being used both as a plate and as a spoon. Wheat is the most common flour used for flatbreads, but different regions prefer different flours. Each state has its own flatbread, mostly made from the locally available grain. Punjab prefers maize flour, Bihar  uses rice flour & Gujarat likes pearl millet flour.  All these flatbreads have their equivalent but thicker Tandoori version where they are baked in a tandoor ( open clay oven). 

Due to scarcity of fuel, India ( and China) did not embrace baking and ovens are very rare in Indian homes. Flatbreads are cooked on a hot skillet and only in restaurants do we get oven cooked breads like the Naan and Tandoor roti.


  1. I keep looking for Chapathis of different varities. Thks

  2. A nice alternative to salty Chapathis.

  3. My daughter has been looking for this recipe, thanks for putting them on. Nice to have different varieties.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll respond to it soon.